Monday, February 23, 2009

*shake my head mode on…

malem ini…senin malam 9.51pm…
gw lg browsing2…biasalah…browsing buat praktikum besok, sekalian nyasar2 di blog2nya orang, sekalian ngonline YM, sekalian curhat di blog sendiri…sekalian minum kopi, juga ngemil, sambil dgr mp3 juga…pokonya otis abislah…menikmati diri sendiri…hihihi…mumpung masih byk waktu buat diri sendiri… :)

Sedari tadi ngebrowsing…gw ga tergelitik dgn keyword yg gw ketik di Mbah Google…such as…Phenolphtalein, Halogenation in alkene, pottasium manganate reacts with alkana or alkene… ga peduli..yg jelas gw search…nemu jawaban yg gw cari…gw isi lembar jawaban praktikum..sisanya gw lebih interest ngebacain blog2nya orang :D

Ya harap maklum sodara2..sejalan dgn bertambahnya usia(baca: udah tuir tp masih ngaku2anak kuliahan, hihi)…gw ga demen ama yg berat2…hihihi..termasuk bawa batu menhir…jiakakakkk..da kayak asterix ma obelix…

Nah nyasar di blog nya orang yg entah gw ga tau kepada siapakah gerangan si Tuan Pemilik blog tersebut…cuma ada kata2 yg menggelitik gw…which is…“Untuk Dia Yang Berani Mencintaiku…”

Gw kayak Dejavu gitu…da beberapa kali gw pernah baca tulisannya orang yg model begini ini…ga cuma sekali..
“Untuk Dia Yang Berani Mencintaiku…”

Entah ga tau ya..menurut gw…itu kata2 kedengeran Berat amat ya…terlalu horor menurut gw…hahahhaa…(Bacanya sambil ngebayangin pilem Shutter..jadinya horor…jiakakakkkk…)

Kira2 Kapan ya gw bisa mengeluarkan kata2 gitu ya…
Secara gw selalu bertanya-tanya ama diri gw sendiri, trus gw jg nanya ama rumput dilapangan sepakbola yg kadang bergoyang2 di tiup angin…
“Emang Ada Ya orang Yg Mau Mencintai gw ???…”

Bertolak belakang banget ya gw ma mereka…
*Shake my head mode on…

Saturday, February 21, 2009

L.O.V.E isn’t always rosy…

There was a time when I found my self crazy in love…
n I had no doubt to tell the whole universe that those times was so sweet, even more sweet than Lolly Pop…

I’ve heard that…
Some people said…“Love is such a blessing given by Our God…”
Some people said…“love is able to light up even your darkest life…”
Some people said…“Nothing can bring you to eternal happiness except Love…”
Some people said…“Love can get rid of ur sadness…”

I dont blame those people who have said all the beauty of L.O.V.E
They definitely correct…
Yeah..It is LOVE…always blooming ur heart and feeling…
and once I was one of them who enjoyed the beauty of LOVE…

after I have lived my life and still undergoing my Life…
Without any hesitate…
I also dare to say…“L.O.V.E is not always rosy…”
It has its up and down…

In my experience…
L.O.V.E also had a lot to do with separations, loses, broken hearted, sorrows, and all those depressing facts…
to be honest, many times I shed my tears bitterly due to my Love Journey…

But ironically…
those sad facts will only make me stronger…
Those sad facts have taught me how to graciously take the bitter reality…
Those sad facts have showed me that…“Sometimes L.O.V.E has not much to do with relationship or togetherness…”

Believe me…that I won’t give up…
Till one day…I’m able to sing “I finally found someone…”, a song from Bryan Adams and Barbara Streisand

[Bryan:] I finally found someone, who knocks me off my feet;
[Bryan:] I finally found the one who makes me feel complete…
[Barbara:] It started over coffee, we started out as friends;
[Barbara:] It’s funny how from simple things; the best things begin…

[Bryan:] This time is different;
[Barbara:] la la la la
[Bryan:] It’s all because of you!..
[Barbara:] la la la la
[Bryan:] It’s better than it’s ever been;
[Together:] Cuz we can talk it through;

[Barbara:] My favorite line was “Can I call you sometime?”;
[Barbara:] It’s all you had to say…
[Together:] To take my breath away…
[Together:] This is it!
[Together:] Oh, I finally found someone; Someone to share my life;
[Together:] I finally found the one - to be with every night;
[Barbara:] Cause whatever I do
[Bryan:] It’s just got to be you!
[Together:] My life has just begun, I finally found someone…

[Bryan:] Ya Know - I love your hair…
[Barbara:] Are you sure it looks right?
[Bryan:] I love what you wear…
[Barbara:] Isn’t it too tight?
[Bryan:] You’re exceptional!
[Together:] I can’t wait for the rest of my life…
[Together:] This Is It!
[Together:] Oh, I finally found someone; Someone to share my life,
[Together:] I finally found the one, to be with every night…
[Barbara:] Cause whatever I do
[Bryan:] It’s just got to be you
[Together:] My life has just begun; I finally found someone…

[Barbara:] And whatever I do
[Bryan:] It’s just got to be you!
[Barbara:] My life has just begun…
[Together:] I finally found someone

[Bryan:] Did I keep you waiting?
[Barbara:] I didn’t mind
[Bryan:] I apologize
[Barbara:] Baby, that’s fine
[Bryan:] I would wait forever
[Together:] Just to know you were mine;

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Unforgetable February 18th 2009…

It was wednesday, Feb 18th 2009…
I promise to my self…I won’t forget…No..No I won’t forget…

Jam 11 pagi..di dalem Lab…gw memandangi deretan mikroskop2 yg berdiri dgn gagahnya di atas meja Lab…dgn aroma onion yg nyengat.,..secara kali ini topik praktikumnya…”Observing plant cell…”, ga lupa hydrilla plant jg ikut2an…

Gw memandang kosong liwad lensa okuler…bukan onion cell yg gw liat…bukan nucleus yg gw liat..bukan stomata yg gw liat..tapi yg gw liat bayangan komuk gw yg lagi binun…*tring tring mode on


I cant concentrate…

I rushed to my table, grabbed my phone…

“Halo…suhu..bisa bantu ga?…novi bingung nih”,
… tanya gw linglung liwad hape…
after few minutes…setelah bicara ngalor ngidul…
Suhu menjawab…dgn jawaban yg enteng…nyaris tak bermassa, ato mungkin hanya seberat atom hydrogen…hehehe…
Jawab sang suhu adalah…”Klo saya jadi kamu…coba kamu pikirkan…Klo kamu masih ada besok..coba klo tidak lagi…”…

neuron2 memberikan pesan suhu ke otak besar gw dan dlm sepersekian detik, kurang dari kecepatan cahaya gw langsung mendapatkan jawaban yg sedari tadi gw bingung2kan….

“Ahaaaaaaaaa…bener harus bertemu…now or never…”

Gw kuatkan lg teori suhu dgn teori dasar yg pernah gw dapet…bukannya kata…

1. Kata guru les gw waktu gw umur 8 taun…”Que sera sera…what ever will be will be…Tomorrow is not ours to tell…”
Bener banget…bukannya besok kita ga tau apa yg akan terjadi…bukannya cuma sekarang yg bisa kita liat….

2. Bukannya kata si wong bijak…or wise man said…”Yesterday is history, today is a gift n tomorrow is mystery…”
Jadi hari ini adalah berkah yg kita punya…nah klo gitu napa ga gw coba..napa ga gw lakonin…gw ga mungkin nunggu esok,,secara besok masih misteri…

3. dan kata si Zara Zettira di buku “every silence has a story…”, jelas2 tertulis di covernya…”…now is all we have for the past is over and tomorrow is not ours to tell…”
Jadi ya saat ini, hari ini, detik ini yg kita punya…so gunakan sebaik2nya…secara besok masih rahasia Tuhan…

4. Trus kata si om Ronan keriting (baca:Ronan Keating)…”If Tomorrow never comes…”, ..nah loh bener juga ya…coba klo besok da kiamat misalnya, ato besok gw…nah lohhh…

So…akhirnya gw mengambil keputusan…”Yup…I have to…today is my chance, for tomorrow might not be the second chances…”

Gw ngadep principal….berbasa basi boong dikit…hihihi..biar dapet ijin…Maap Ya Allah… :D
Dan berkat kebaikanmu ya Allah, akhirnya gw di izinin buat pulang cepat…half day only…

Sampe rumah…immediately I changed my clothe, grabbed the book…
“Mam…novi pergi dulu ya..buru2 nih?…”,
kata gw ga pake jeda napas…
“Eittt mo kemana…makan dulu…ada apa toh?…”,
kata nyokap menjawab dgn keibuannya…
“Nanti aja ya mam ceritanya…buru2…nanti pas sampe novi ceritain deh..beres deh mam…tha tha..Slamlekum…cium tangan n pergi…”

Gw melangkah dengan Bismillah…
Didalam taksi…”Pak supir…AC nya tolong digedein dunk…gerah nih…”, pinta gw…”ohh masih kegerahan toh dek…ini udah lumayan gede loh…”, jawab pak supir taksi enteng…
“Masih gerah Pak…”,
jawab gw lebih enteng lagi..hehehe…
sebetulnya sih gw gerah gara2 ketar ketir mikirin gw bakal nyampe ga nih…ato gw bakal ketinggalan…No No..It’s a BIG NO NO…secara udah mepet merepet nih waktunya…

Akhirnya dengan izin Allah maka sampailah gw pada gerbang KEMERDEKAAN..hahaha…kok mirip2 teksnya UUD’45..hehehe…ga ding..maksudna…sampailah gw pada tujuan…

“Oh My God… inikah yg slama ini berada di dunia lain ku…”

“sekarang ada di hadapanku…”,…
gw ngomong sendiri dlm hati..
ketawa sendiri…
inget antara bodoh, nekad, ga percaya, sekaligus bersyukur…

Buat kamu…Makasih ya…

walopun…aku tak terrasa…olehmu
walopun…aku tak terbesit…olehmu
walopun…aku tak terpikir..olehmu
walopun…aku tak tak dan tak tak yg lainnya…

At least…
I have the picture of u in my mind…
Friendship is not so bad anyhow…

Sampe rumah…

Nyokap menyambut dengan senyum, bokap yg lagi sibuk liat si Hillary di TV, menlu AS yg baru aja nyampe jakarta, ga lupa melemparkan senyumnya buat gw…sambil nyeletuk…”Kamu keliatannya seneng sekali Pie…da apa nih?…”

I will not forget this Day…

Makasih Ya Allah buat hari ini…
It’s so simply unforgetable day…

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My february 14th 2009…

yg jelas hr ini hari sabtu…
yg jelas tgl nya adl 14 dan bulannya february…
yg jelas semua hiasan di mall bernuansa pink…

sore ini, sabtu malam ini…
disaat orang2 lg sibuk sama couple nya or whatever…
gw berada di Gramedia Matraman…
toko buku berlantai 5…
kali ini gw pake kaos item, rok, sepatu allstar…
ngejogrog…muterin lantai demi lantai…dimana tiap lantainya bertebaran buku2 dgn topik yg berbeda…
ngeliatin kira2 buku apa yg bakal gw beli…
dan akhirnya gw jatohkan pilihan gw…
tuk membeli…
bukunya Zara Zetira yg “Every Silence has a Story…”,
Buku yg bln Januari kmrn terkalahkan oleh “Bilangan Fu…”

Pulangnya ga lupa gw nyatronin tukang somay, yg biasa mangkal di dpn Gramed…
Ga lupa pula Jus Alpukat…

I have my own way to enjoy my own life…

For the rose vendor who always makes me blush…
why don’t u come today to drop me ur rose… I miss u actually…

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Dear Mom n Dad…

My beloved mom n dad…
sorry 4 all the anxieties…

Mom Dad…
I dont know n We all even dont know…

Mom Dad…
God still neatly keep all HIS secrets…

Mom Dad…
Thanks 4 billions prays u’ve both sent to HIM…

Mom Dad…
HE will answer…

Mom Dad…
I’m thanking so much 4 being so much understanding…

Mom Dad…
I luv u all so much…

Mom Dad… I’ll be just fine…

Friday, February 06, 2009

Nothing slightly change…

I’ve found my self nothing change much…

Still wake up late in the morning…
Still rushing to the bathroom…
still late to school…
Still quietly sneaking to my lab..just in case my principal catch me…
Still working alone inside the lab…
Still riding on my bike…
Still wearing backpack…
Still having fun with coffee, tea, inet, books, guitar n my two siblings…
Still trying my best to put anything in the positive perspective way of thinking…(yg ini aga berat…mesti merendam semua emosi jiwa…jiaaaaaa…cucian kaleee direndem pake detergent….hihihi…)

n yg jelas masih dgn komuk yg kelemesan…dan kadang cengengesan… n yg ga kalah jelasnya…
”still dealing w/ the odd unending question…
"Kapan Merit ???..."
(mending gw disuruh jawab soal termodinamika deh…drpada jawab yg ini…hahhahaaaaa…ampuunnn…)

thanks for your visit