Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Love is "U"

I wanna feel love again,
I wanna feel love again,
yeah ...
I wanna feel love again.

and I know...
Love is YOU

Monday, November 01, 2010

The Beginning

It was a bright Friday for sure... I was heading to my utmost favorite coffee shop...The surrounding atmosphere had conspired to be on my side...My cheerfully light steps had tickled the cloudy cloud to hide their face backward and of course brought forward the gorgeous creature ever,Mr.Sun. though in couple minutes ahead Mr.Sun had to shift with Ms.Moonlight but he said to me " I still have couple minutes ahead to shine for you my dear". "How sweet it was", I'm replying to my self :D

I made myself sit on the strategic spot where I'm still able to see the outside scene throughout the window glass. One fourth of Dark Mocha Frappucino had settled in my tummy...

"where is he..how come he hasn't come yet..is he going to come ?..." I muttered to myself.

"chill out girl..he will definitely come..", I answered my own question, ..not insane but just a bit nervous :D

to calm my stiff nerves I'd rather sing for my self while waiting for his coming..."I need to know what's on your mind...this coffee cup is getting cold...I'm flying my mind away..sneaking into your mind"...then I paused..blank..hmmm...I didnt know how to continue my next lines...

Suddenly...I could feel someone tapping my shoulder...

"Hey...", he said with his crunchy electric voice.

"Hay..." I replied...Deep inside myself, I put big effort to manage my awkwardness.

Bla bla bla bleh...all the nice conversations was on going...


For all the things that had just happened...I should give my big thanks to Lord..especially for giving me this unforgettable Friday...

Ohh Lord, Would you like to give me more...I dont need to hardly convince myself..coz I already know that I'm gonna miss this guy...

"Kindly give me a bunch of chances to see him in my l**e life..."


Friday, July 30, 2010

cara gw membuat senyum tetep melengkung sempurna bak bulan sabit...halah judul kok panjang *bangets...

*bangets =plural jd pake s..hiyaahhh :D

begini ceritax...*ngelap keringet dulu abis nyeduh kopi soalx...(binun ya nyeduh kopi kok keringetan..ga usah binun ama ga usah nanya yah..nti kpn gw mulai nulisx... )

Jadi jumat sore tanggal 30 July 2010 pukul 5.10pm...motor gw meluncur di boulevard kelapa gading..mo pulang ke rumah ceritax...tetapi sodara2..encang encing enyak babe...jalanan di boulevard klp gading macet yg teramat hingga tak terselamatkan lg kesabaran di jiwaku ini...halah...

jd gini..dr pada gw pulang trus kena macet..akhirnya gw memutuskan (pake getok palu juga tiga kali) untuk minggirin motor...markirin motor dan mampir di T'banana...tempat nongkrong gw akhir2 ini...kenapa gw milih T'Banana...karna gw inget..uang di dompet gw cuma 15rb..hihi...sisanya ada sih di atm..jieeeeehhh norak norak...halah....pdhal kaga da isinya.. :D

nah dgn hanya menghabiskan Rp 5000 saja, senyum gw bisa melengkung sempurna di T'Banana...secara gw bisa ngopi2...sambil mkn pisang goreng yg mangstab...sambil ngenet..sambil dengerin musik hidup...sambil melihat pemandangan orang mondar mandir secara t'Banana letakx pas banget di depan mall kelapa gading...sambil ngeliat keindahan alam dimana jam2 sore gitu gw bs liat jingga langit..ga bisa liat sunset ya setidaknya bisa liat jingga langit sore..ya kan... *yg setuju ngacung yah...yg ga mau ngacung ...manggut2 jg ga apa...hehe...asal jangan koprol aja di tempat...hiyaaahhh..

"Nov...bijimane...Kok elu bisa sih cuma 5000 bisa dapetin semuanya?...", temen2 gw b'tanya dlm hati sambil baca postingan gw...hehe..iya ga..ngga yah...ya udah deh...

jadi gini nih...5000 rupiah bisa dpt paket combo diatas caranya pake tips dr gw aja :
1. bawa kopi (capucino, latte, coffeemix, chocolate ato jasmine tea dari rumah...klo gw dr tempat kerja..gw taruh di termos starbucks gw...secara tiap hari gw ga pernah lupa ngisi termos pake minuman panas kegemaran gw)

2. pesan original cryspi (pisang goreng yg biasa aja yg 2500 per biji,beli 5000 bs dpt 2 ..kenyang pula lg), sebetulnya kalian boleh pilih menu banana stick with cheese, strawberry, or chocolate topping, ato menu banana risoles, ato banana balls..ato apalagi yah,..duh byk deh gw lupa...tp gw suka yg original...

3.bawa laptop ama modem sendiri..secara disono ga wifi...

4.nyalain ipod sendiri..biar ada musik idupnya..ato nyalain music player di hape kamu..klo gw prefer dengerin siaran hardrock sore yg drive n jive...secara dgr radio lebih tidak menggaringkan di banding dgr mp3...kan bisa ikutan nimpalin pembawa acaranya..yg kadang jayus2... :D

5. pilih duduk di luar..jd bisa ngeliatin orang yg pd liwad...sambil cuci muka...ngeliat cowo2 bening...ato cekikan ndiri ngeliat abege labil(baca: ababil) yg bergaya alay..ato bahkan kalian bisa menikmati jingganya langit senja sambil "make a wish"...(mikir sambil ngetik...ada jg liat bintang jatoh trus make a wish yah...nah klo prinsip gw make a wish ga usah nungguin bintang jatoh..hehe..)
*ada yg sadar ga klo gw tadi salah nulis...klo ada yg nyadar brati baca sambil konsentrasi penuh..klo ada yg ga nyadar brati bacanya sambil jogging... :D

nah gitu deh jurus jitu yg gw pake td sore untuk menghilangkan kebetean gara2 macet...dgn mampir ngopi...dan plus plus laenx yg dah gw sebutin diatas...

oh iya...harga kopi espresso di t'banana juga cuma 5rb secangkir...tp biasanya klo minum espresso gw minta creamerx 3sachet trus gulax 3 1/2 sachet...duehh kopi ato sirup...hehe...

segitu dulu ya ceritax...nti kapan2 gw sambung lagi...
tha thaaaaa...

P.S : tips ga mutu dr gw ini juga bisa di aplikasikan di saat kondisi keuangan lg sekarat...hayaahhh...bisa di modifikasi sendiri kok tipsnya...default ini bisa di ganti2 sesuai keinginan anda...klo mo theme yg beda2 donlot aja ndiri yah...deeehhh apa sehhh...

oh ya nti dulu...ini fotox di T'Banana tp bukan yg tadi sore...ini yg kemaren2 pas taon 1986...hehe...yg tadi sore ga sempet moto...halah...serius ding..ini emang bukan yg tadi sore...


thanks for your visit