Sunday, May 01, 2016

Long Sleeve Denim Shirt for Mr.K

Mr.K asked me to sew denim shirt for him as I have 2 meters abandoned dark blue denim that I bought in Bandung 2 years ago.
Actually I had planned to make trousers for myself using that denim....
But ...Feeling pity on him then I let go my denim for mr.K ... :)

It was my very first experience sewing denim...and for the newbie sewer, it was like a dreaded chore ....
Denim is considered as thick fabric so that's why many newbies try to avoid this kind of fabric ...But if I never try I will not gain and learn something new ..

Okay...time for googling ...noted....sewing denim needs ;
- special yarn ...(I was using denim thread )
- special needle ...(I was using Organ needle, It's quite expensive compared with common sewing needle )
- roller presser foot .. (I dont have I just used common presser foot and it made me half desperate...)

I made the pattern that suit to mr.K body size ...This is the advantage that you will not get from buying ready shirt as most of us do not have proportional sizes like what the ready shirt offers.

Mr. K has quite small shoulder length and has quite big tummy circumference ...
If he has to buy the ready shirt one then he will end up with confusion ...
he will pick size L for the shoulder length and size M for the tummy circumference ...hahahaha...
Lucky that he has me that can sew shirt for him...pedenyaaaa...:D :D :D

not forget to mention ...I learned to make the pattern from this website
Thank you for the writer..It helped me a lot ^^

kaayyy ...
Measuring done ...making pattern done..transferring pattern to denim done ...
Now ...the hardest part ...gathering each pieces of denim fabric ...
Many times I found the thread got tangle at the down-part of the fabric ...It simply happened due to the thickness of  fabric that I was coping with ...uughhh....
So irritating!! ... but ... Giving up on this was a big "No" for me ...
cieeee ....cooo cwiiittt ...eeehh kok ...baper ...
(forget about AADC2 have to finish it quickly ,kaayyy ....)

When I was in my good mood I did the sewing ...when I wasn't in my mood I just simply neglected those fabrics ...and my mood kept swinging ...hahahha ...
No wonder it took one week to finish this shirt...

Oh iya...since I haven't had my own label...(cieee..gayaaa..jahit aja jarang mo bikin label sendiri :D :D ..
So I detached my old and unused "Lea press n permanent pant's label" ...
as the result... mr.K's shirt has the label of Lea... hahaha....
which is frankly it was purely made by his sweet wife ...ciiieeeeehhh

okeh pemirsah yang budiman ...Let's have a look ... ^^

Can you see ....It's so obvious...."Lea label was attached below collar and at the edge of the pocket " ... :D

The colour of the thread and the denim fabric itself is quite a better look ... ^^

two lines seam the effect of boutique made ...
Jahitnya di buat dua garis biar kek taylor beneran ...padahal gadungan :D

side seam using french seam technique (I learned from yuchhupp :D )...
This time I put my serger machine away ....Jangan ngambek yaaa mesin kupake dulu ...
macam kek jahitan di celana jeans kita ntuh ... serger needed


I give my credit to my Janome J3-24 for accomplishing this project ...ciieeee...selamet ya Jeyyyy ...sambil cipika cipiki ...cup cup muaahh muaahhh ...

ta raaaaaa ... How do I look !!!....
Gorgeous ...yeeeeee...thank you..thank you...Dont mention it ...

Photo was taken indoor ...lack of light source ...'s the back shoulder part ...

ta raaaaaa...
It's mr.K ...How do you think...
The shirt is super fit with him, isn't it?...
He refused to show "kegantangannya" ...
hahaha ...

Okeh pemirsah...thank you for dropping by ^^

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Recycling "worn out tire"

The story begins with the worn out tires that mr.K has ...He just replaced his car tires and brought home the worn out ...
I thought he would immediately do something to those tires and turned them into something worthy. After couple of months those tire are still there...taking the space of my front yard ... It makes my eyes get sore ..

Naahhh...lewatlah tukang loak depan panggil aja deh ...
"Bang..itu ban klo di loakin..dapet berapa bang?..."kata gw... mr.K ada di TKP juga pas kejadian ...
trus abangnya sambil ngamatin kondisi ban itu  ...
then he said "yaahh ..klo macam gini mah sudah tidak laku lagi ..."...
"Ya udah deh bang ..makasih yaa..", kata gw ...

"Udah lah Pan (panggilan gw buat mr.K, kadang Pan(pandai), kadang Tang(gantang), Kadang Kekas(kekasih), Kadang Kari(karitiang) ...tergantung mood eikeh mo manggil apa ...tapi cuma sepotong doangan yg gw sebut...Pan, Tang, Kekas, ato Kari...hahaha..kacau..)
Pan..bawa aja ke kantor..biar di buang ama Jefri aja..daripada nyempit2in ..
He answered, "We keep them ..I'm gonna turn them into something else ..."
"What will it be then?"..I said ..
"Just keep" ..he said persistently ...
Ugghhh ...Kari Kari...

Naaahh pemirsah yang budiman....masih inget ga dua minggu lalu gw telah menyulap box kayu mr.K yang biasanya berfungsi sebagai meja kini telah berubah menjadi tempat duduk...
so we spend our days without table and we're going to die ...(ga pentiing cuugg .. :D )
yaaahh a table .... though it's not as important as oxygen or as important as love for "the love beggar" ..but I can't live without it  ...
I cant live ..if living is without you ..cant live...I cant give anymore ...
(jiaaaa...ntu kan lagunya Air supply yang di nyanyiin lagi ama Mariah Carey..)

Oke lah ...then Finally ...
Mr.K comes out with his idea ...Why dont we use those tires as a table ..He said simply ..
Ooo iya about the top ...What are we going to use then?...kata gw ..

tenang aja ...paka kaca bekas ..kek nya ada kaca bekas deh ...

trus ta raaa ... trus kaca bekas ntuh kita bawa ke tukang potong kaca...abangnya cuma minta 15ribu buat upah potong ...murce kaann...kita kasih 20ribu aja ...

jadilah meja dari ban bekas ini ...
at least ..we do little contribution for the Earth by doing "Recycling"...
cieee gayaaa...

The height of the table can be customized by using two tires or one only :D

Joining two tires

                                                        one tire

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Killer Soft Bread - Recooked by Novi -

ta raaaaa ....lama ga posting...gegara sibuk, males, dan apalah apalah ... :D
dan blog ini seperti blog yang mati suri trus di langkahin kucing trus hidup lagi... :D

okay..Let's  back to "Ngiler Soft Bread ala Dapur Ny.Kondouw" ...Jadi gini Killer Soft Bread nya si Victoria Bakes ini lagi kekinian banget di kalangan emak2 Instagram, emak2 group Langsung Enak  dan Emak2 di group2 arisan RT RW dan emak2 yang apalah apalah lainnya(Gw termasuk emak2 yang ini keknya :D )

setelah googling sana sini ... ternyata bahan dan cara membuatnya gampang, lebih gampang di bandingin ngajarin murid gw, salah ding kamsudna lebih gampang dari membuat roti prinsip water roux yg dulu pernah gw eksekusi di roti sobek pandan yang cantik dan apalah apalah itu :D

Klo dari penamaannya Killer Soft Bread ini berarti Roti empuk sang pembunuh, ihh ngeri yaa...saking empuknya mungkin ..jadi ama Jeung Victoria Bakes di namain gitu...kan gw jd penasaran..empukan mana ama si roti water roux...
jadi gw sempet2ini untuk buat roti ini.

Resepnya dah banyak beredar di internet ya bunda2 cantik :D
Tinggal ketik Killer Soft Bread trus click search...dah bejibun dah yang muncul nti ^^

Yang bikin menarik buat gw dalam pembuatan roti ini adalah...ta raaaaaaa
"Guweh membuat rotih inih untuk pertamah kalinyah dengan menggunakan oven tangring a.k.a Otang"....
Aihh sensasinya...ngeri2 gimana gitu....secara gw biasa baking roti pake oven listrik..tinggal duduk2 cantik sambil maskeran sambil makan rujak (bisa apa ya..maskeran sambil mkn rujak)....dan tiba2 triiiinngggng...oven bunyi tanda roti dah mateng...hahahaa...gayaaaa....

Kenapa gw pindah ke lain hati kamsudna dari oven listrik ke oven tangkring...karena gw suka tantangan... haahahaa..ketara banget kan oportunis...(ngaku lagi :D )

jadi gini oven listrik gw kapasitasnya 19L, kurang lega klo buat kue kering yang ngantri berloyang-loyang....klo bikin roti2an juga aga engap..kesian kan roti2 gw disuruh duduk "enam" "empat" "enam" "empat" :D
jadi sebulan lalu gw beli lagi oven tangkring ala emak2 jaman dahulu ... yang katanya awet sampe beberapa generasi...trus oven tangkring gw nti klo dah tahun 2500M ketimbun tanah...jadilah dia macam artefak-artefak...ihhh kerennya oven tangring gw...*apalah-apalah :D

Oh iya pernah pas gw bikin rotiboy...tiba2 kota medan yang cantik, bersih dan beriman ini di landa mati lampu .... ya wassalam lah nasib roti gw....mana gw dah capek2 ngulenin adonan sampe kalis elastis :( yaaahhhh...
tapi gw tetep sayang lohhh ama oven listrik gw...dia adalah yang pertama dan cwiiittttt....tetep gw pake buat bikin cake yang seloyang doangan...praktis dan simple..klo mo buat kue jangan lupa berdoa dulu biar ga mati lampu.....Medaners dah pada tau kali yaaa derita mati lampu di kota yang cantik, bersih dan beriman ini...hahahhaa...jleppp...

Oke ini penampakan dari si Otang yang telah berhasil dalam pengeksekusian "The Killer Soft Bread"

Oven Tangkring Hock No.3

                              Dan ini penampakan oven listrik gw

dan yang paling ciamiks adalah inilah dia si Ngiler Soft Bread ala dapur Ny.Kondouw
filling nya cuma pake DCC, topping nya pake meses coklat biar matching ama isiannya....
dan rasanya emang lembuuuuut sekali....


So kesimpulannya:
gw pilih metode killer soft bread aja deh yang simple ketimbang metode water roux...dua2nya sama empuk..tapi si killer soft bread lebih simple buatnya...cuman sekali proofing dan ga perlu capek2 bikin adonan water roux nya dulu ...

Next Baking Project...Killer soft bread with spicy meat floss ^^

Friday, January 24, 2014

new world with new kitchen gears ... :D

ta daaaaa... Long time no post :D
Here are my new kitchen gears.
After spending almost one year with my sewing machine and my sewing skill is still so so till now...hehehe..(trus salah gw ato salah temen guweh :D )..ngga ding...
well actually I still love my sewing world...But It is much better if I add another skill as emak-emak yg berkualitas...
so I choose to learn more about baking as my additional skill..jieeehhh...preettt...

Okeh here we gooo... My husband...Romeo Kondouw....really really loves cake and bread...unlike me who loves crunchy food...
So in my will be more fun if I can make cake and bread for the sake of my cwitt :D :D :D
as we all know that "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach"....hahaha...sounds so old school yaaa...
Ngga ding...emang gw lg pen blajar baking aja sih sebenernya...

so I add electric oven, kitchen scale and mixer to my wishlist...wooww..woooww...what a huge budget for me to spend ... :(
But there is no other way...I need those gears to start with...
First thing that I have to do ensure my husband the benefit of having electric oven...then I explain to him the "bla bla bla" and so with the "bleh" too.. yeeeeaahhh...I made it...I successfully convinced my husband to buy me the electric oven...yii haaaa...
though I'm so blank with many types of ovens....Oven tankring, electric oven or microwave oven yaaa....OOooo...God so many...Let Mbah google do this job...kay... :D

Then we go to second move...
O yaaa..I remember..My Mom has an old Philips mixer which I'm sure she is no longer use it...My mom has retired from the baking world I guess...
So I make a phone call... As a sweet daughter...I ask my Mom about my aim...borrowing her mixer...
and you know whaatt...she said..."Ambil aja..kopi...Ibu dah ga pake lagi..dah malas bikin2...dah ga da yg bantuin lagi skrg...nti ta' kirimin mixernya ke medan..." iiyeeesss...Yessssss....Makasiiii mamiwatwatkuuu tercinta sekali... Big hug and kiss for my Mom...hikss...hikss....see I start missing her if I talk about her...What a great Mom... :)

okay by the second week of january 2014, eventually I got all the things collected...electric oven, kitchen scale and mixer ...*my face made a big grin if you could see me at that time :D :D :D

Now all the stuffs are here, I could hardly wait for the first baking attempt...
Then I approached my husband... "Mr.Kon...accompany me yah pliizzz..kita ke kerpur...I mo beli bahan2 buat bikin-bikin kue and the gank...yah pandaiku tercinta sekali..yaaaa..." I said with my melas face.. :D
he agreed..yesss...we go then.. :D

pokoknya first attempt using electric oven was by making "Kue Bolu Sederhana"...
hehehe..kenapa cuman bolu sederhana..ya pan lg belajar..kaga bisa samsek...alias blank at all... jadi gw cari resep yg modalnya murce dan dengan kemungkinan gagal juga yg sedikit ... :D
Itu juga dapet resep dr Mbah browsing sonoh ensure that my bolu will not become "bantet and nyeretin klo dimakan"..hehehe...

Akhirnya... ta daaaa....
Here I show you my first "Bolu Sederhana Sekaleeehh"...this bolu is so plain and super simple. Yah namanya aja ngeri gagal... untungnya ga gagal...hehehe 

jieee...jieeeee...not bad lah...
the taste was great and the look was quite okay lah...hahaha..ya eyalah bikinan ndiri...

after my first attempt succeed, I was so excited to make another second sabaran ceritanya pen bikin-bikin lagi :D

I'm gonna execute Bika Ambon for my second attempt..ciieee...bisa apa yaaa... ceritanya my husband picked Tepung Instan Pondan Bika Ambon when we were at kerpur last week..
according to the procedures written on the box, it was so easy to follow...But no guarantee for the result yaa.. :D :D
I did googling here and there...try to find out the hidden tips on making this Bika Ambon..
secara pada umunya mereka bilang katanya susah untuk bikin rongga2 dalam kue bika ambon ini..intinya tekniknya adalah oven dibuka agar rongga2 dalam kue terbentuk...
Nah gue from the beginning of oven process till the end ..ntu oven gw bikin nyangap terus alias kebuka...secara gw pen sukses bikin rongganya...

ta daaaa...yang ada hasilnya..ya rongganya sukses tapi bika ambonnya bantet...hahahhaa...
ya eyalah yaa..once nih gw kan klo oven dibuka tutup aja cake bisa jadi bantet..apalagi gw yg 40menit bikin ..nyangap terus tuh oven..
ya husband still eat it anyway....kesian dia ama gw keknya...
tp klo rasa nya sih ya 11-12 lah ama aselinya..hahaha..narsis pisan eeuuyy...
Ini penampakannya..

Dan terlihatlah kehancurannya...hahhaha..gaswad...
But That's okay lahh..I will never learn something new if I never try...

P.s :  big thanks to my husband and my mom for providing me those kitchen gears...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Keep sewing babe!!...Edisi njait baju lebaran buat Gendis (my niece)

the story began from short conversation between my sista (she has a baby girl already by the way) n me in social media ...cieeehhh...

My Sista : "Mba...bisa bikinin baju kek gini ga buat gendis", sambil di jembreng pula picture baju yg dia pengenin...
Me : "ooo...yg kek gitu ya!!....ya dah sini I bikinin...lebaran dipake ya :D "
My Sista : "Yakin kamu bisa Mba"...
Me : "tenang aja..pokoknya nti lebaran dah bisa dipake deh"..dengan pedehnya ..

dan ini adalah piku baju yg dia jembrengin...

sambil memandangin dan memvisualisasikannya dengan alam nyata...hadeehh apa sih...secara cuma dikasih gambar doangan...dan gw masih amad sangat amatir dalam bikin dress...dapet cobaan bikin baju yg kesusahanx tingkat dewa(ini gw yg ngomong ya..bukan sebagai kapasitas penjait yg sebenernya...ciee apa sih pake kapasitas segala ..:D )

akhirnya malamnya gw pun men-googling sono sini...muter2 di dunia maya..menghampiri tiap2 blog yg isinya tentang dunia perjahitan (dan 98% dipastikan blognya orang luar...btw...orang luar banyak loh yg emak2nya pada ngeblog dan isinya cara bikin baju buatan mereka sendiri)...
dan ga lupa buat mampir juga ke forum jahitnya Female Daily...cieee...klo dulu gw biasa nongkrong di kaskus...skrg secara udah bertambah dewasa...hahahaa..emak2 kali bukan dewasa..jd gw memboyong barang2 gw dan pindah nongkrong di forum Female Daily...jieee..jiieee..prett...

akhirnya gw dengan membabi-buta(jiaa brutal amad) mem-bookmark semua blog yg isinya related dengan baju yg mo gw jait...
setelah gw baca berkali2...mengcompare..memvisualisasikan..memperhatikan...dan terakhir jadi membingungkan buat gw sendiri...hahaha...tapi at least gw dapet lah sedikit ilham step by step cara bikin dress ini...

Baru deh keesokan gelar perkara...cieee..maksutnya gelar kertas, gelar kalkulator, gelar meteran...jembreng bookmark-an...jembreng pict baju yg diinginkan juga...

inpo yg gw dapet dr sista gw sangad minim ...dia cuma nyebutin.."Gendis lingkar dadanya 50cm..trus panjang dress yg dia mau 45cm"...
(buset emaknya ngirit inpo amat ya...)...katanya sih gendis rewel klo lagi diukur2 badannya...makax dia juga udah alhamdulillah bisa ngukur dua variable itu...dan memusingkan buat gw tentunya...

akhirnya ya dah lah...sambil membayangkan postur tubuh gendis...maka gw merumuskan itung2an...untuk bikin pola dress atas dan rempelnya yg tiga tingkat itu...

itung2an selese...saatnya gambar pola....gambar pola dah selese...malampun dan larut...(pas malam itu bertepatan pula ama kebakaran di LP Tanjung Gusta Medan...lah gw pan jadi takut ada napi yg tiba2 minta ngumpet di rumah gw..mana suami lg dinas malam...hahahaa..ini cuma ke parno-an gw aja sodara2... :D )

okeee...back to njait lagi...
besok paginya gw pun gelar bahan...untungnya gw dah punya bahan pink polkadot dan puring pink yg taun lalu hasil gw ngiterin tanah abang...hiks jadi kangen beli bahan di tanah abang)...

buat baju gendis ini cuma butuh bahan 1 meter...bahan pink polkadot ini katun jepang..jd enak dipake...murce pula cuma 25rb semeter..trus puring katun pinknya cuma 10rb per meter...benang pink juga kebetulan dah punya..jd modal buat baju gendis ini ya cuma 35rb...hehehe...

setelah mentracing pola dari kertas ke bahan..saatnya menggunting2...abis itu di sambung2in deh sampe jadi dress ini...
the hardest part in making this beautiful dress is the ruffle part....3 layers booo...
ok now I invite you to imagine the ruffle:
ruffle layer 1 = panjangnya 115cm...
ruffle layer 2 = panjangnya 177cm..
ruffle layer 3 = panjangna 271cm...

wedew...sengaja gw bikin ruffle yg panjang biar kerutan dress nya mengembang dengan sempurna bak adonan roti yg sukses...hahaha..jd laperr..

dan yg aga tricky...tiap layer lebarnya harus beda ...soalnya layer atas harus menutup layer tengah dan layer tengah menutup layer paling bawah...
lom lagi bikin tier extender nya..alias sambungan buat ruffle itu agar bertingkat tiga...hadeeehhh...

tapi dengan segala kerendahan hati...akhirnya gw melalukan pekerjaan itu dengan giat...jiaaaa...apa sih kaga nyambung yaa...

dan akhirnya selese juga baju itu within 3 fine finishing nya 1 hari...jadi totalnya 4 hari dingg..lama bener yaaa...
dan ini dia penampakan hasil jahitannya :D

cieehh...ada yg bilang awesome lah...ada yg bilang beautiful lah...ada yg bilang so darling lahh..ada yg bilang so cute n sweet lah...banyak deh yg pada bilang gitu..hahaha..padahal itu semua gw sendiri yg bilang dalam hati ...hahaha...parahh ...

dan bagian dalamnya untuk mengesankan boutiqe made..jadi gw jait rapih dengan puring...ciee...

Klo diperhatikan secara detail...maka keliatanlah ada garis biru yaa..itu pensil kapur yg buat ngegaris-garis..biar jaitanx lurus jaya..hahaha...amatir banged seh ngejait aja pake digarisin dulu...
tapi tenang aja...pas di cuci maka garis2 biru dari pensil kapur itu akan menghilang dengan sendirinya...magic bukaaan!!!... (ya bukaaannlahh dodol :D )

dan bagian belakangnya baru deh keliatan ternyata dress ini di buat ama penjait amatiran...hahaha..soalnya gw lom bisa pasang retsleting di baju...secara masih amatir...jadi gw pakein aja kancing...itu juga kancingnya dapet dari nyopotin kemeja seragam ngajar di metro dulu...soalx kancingx pas sama warna pink :D bokis yaaa...
dan ini bagian pitanya...yg gedaa apalah biar agak catchy... :D

Mari kita lihat penampakan keseluruhanx sekali lagi... ^^

P.S : semoga Gendis suka yaaa baju buatan bude nya ini... ^^

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Let me reveal my third handmade blouse ^^

ta daaaaa...for those who long for my I come..ngek ngek preeettt...hehe...

I think you guys all know that I've been staying in Medan for almost 2 months...(btw...Did I tell you before that I moved to Medan...jiaaaa)
and Medan is so so so....ehmmmm...(dont have many words to describe)...but I miss Makassar to be honest and Jakarta for sure :( (yaeyalah jakarta is the place where my "ari-ari" was planted.....apa itu ari2?...tanya ama emaksnya masing2 yak...)

Haloooo...I cant see any relation between your story and the tittle you made above...(eiitsss...sabar cuuuuyyy...)

kayy...for the time being, I dont have any serious activity as I havent applied for any teaching job in Medan yet. I'm more focus on my pregnancy program anyway (wish it would be success...huuufttt...please pray for me prens :)

so..rather than just bengong2 or wandering, I try to keep myself busy by doing my recent hobby which is sewing..yeeeeyyyy...
Last week I had successfully finished my big project "making backpack for my dear husband"...(I uploaded the pictures in my facebook already....yah harap
maklum...hasil karya harus di pajang...hahaha...preeettt...)

and just now...I finished my another blouse. I bought the fabric with blue floral printing when I was still in makassar, precisely at "Toko Perlengkapan Jahit Harapan di pasar Central Makassar"...the fabric was so was only Rp 17.000/meter.
and the pattern itself was actually taken from "Japanese Sewing Book"
Here is the book that I just mentioned ...

Perhaps some of you will question can I make a blouse from a book that has kanji myself dont have any idea....I just straight look at the step by step pictures only, without understanding the writing explanation at all....heellloooooo....ya eyalah...sejak kapan gw bisa baca tulisan jepang :D

oh ya I fell in love with this book at the first sight. It was when I did browsing online stores that sell pattern sewing book and I found that book in Toko Bagus...langsung hajar bleh beli cuuyyy...abisnya di medan lom ada kinokunya book store.

Then I told my husband that I just bought Japanese sewing book by online and its price is  Rp 150.000 and the delivery cost is Rp 23.000.
and you know what his reaction was...He was just frawning...
then I repeated my totally Rp 173.000
after some seconds then he spoke up..."what an expensive sewing book it is !.."
then I said lightly..."ya eyalah my dear...It is imported from Japan so It is super duper original book from Japan my dear..." :D
"How about the language?..", he added.
"ya ..of course in kanji", I answered..
"so..will you understand?..",he added another questions
hehehee...I just grinned..."Let's see when the book arrive, kay.." :D

and finally the book arrived...Oh Gosh...all the clothes in that book are so simply gorgeous and the book is also completed with patterns of some I just need to trace from the pattern...yihaaaa...
I kept reading the book...upps not reading but staring at the pictures only and tried to understand the patterns and how to sew them into gorgeous clothes :)

at the end I decided to trace "the No.3 pattern". It looked so easy for me and I was so sure that I could follow the step by step pictures.

ta daaaa....within 2 days I successfully sewed this blouse...
But ... Oh God...why this blouse is super big for me..hiks...
I ensured my self that I was picking size M which is the right size for me...
(For Your Info...each pattern in that book is available in size S,M and L, we just need to fit our body according to its provided sizes)

I put on my handmade blouse...and It is really really loose for me...oh nooooo...I'm drowning in my own help...cant take a help....halah halah lebay jeung yg ini...hehehe...

Then I asked for my husband's suggestion, "What if I cut these long sleeves into short?...will I look much better?...
and my husband was only nodding his head several times...
hadeh capek deh..not helping at all...

So...I cut the long sleeve into short and put elastic string around its sleeve...
ta daaaaa...It doesnt look that bad, does it!...hehehee
ya at least if it is too big for me, I still can wear it later on during my pregnancy... :D

Saturday, November 10, 2012

the story behind the "Presser Foot"...

ta daaaa....
How Happy I am at this moment...coz I just bought something which I really really want to have...
jreng....jreng..jreng...aaaaaanndd...Here it is...

one set of presser foot

yup..ini adalah sepatu jahit ato presser foot...
sepatu2 jahit ini amad sangad membantu dlm dunia jahit menjahit...
tadinya cuma kepengen aja..soalx di makassar aga susah nyari barang2 kek gini..belum tau tempatx...jd akhirnya browsing sono sini...dan ketemu deh toko jahit online yg jual sepatu jahit ini...

ini nih link toko online nya ...sangat dapat dipercaya....pelayananx cepat...
novi pesen tgl 6 november ...ehhh tgl 8 november dah sampe barangx...

oh iya sepatu jahit ini terdiri dari 15 jenis sepatu jahit ;
1. walking foot
2. quilting / straight stich
3. 1/4 " patchwork
4. darning foot
5. cording foot
6. overcast foot
7. roll hem foot
8. gathering foot
9. satin stitch foot
10. blind stitch foot
11. all purpose / zigzag foot
12. button hole foot
13. button sewing on foot
14. zipper foot
15. low shank adapter

amad sangad lumayan lengkap buat pemula seperti diri ini...
bukan cuma jahit baju aja..dgn sepatu2 jahit ini..pekerjaan quilting dan patchwork pun bisa dilakukeun...senangnyaaaaa ^^
mudah2an setelah punya sepatu2 jahit ini...jd tambah semangad belajar jahitnya...

P.S :
thanks ya Mr.Kon ku buat sepatu2 jahit ini... ^^

thanks for your visit