Saturday, November 10, 2012

the story behind the "Presser Foot"...

ta daaaa....
How Happy I am at this moment...coz I just bought something which I really really want to have...
jreng....jreng..jreng...aaaaaanndd...Here it is...

one set of presser foot

yup..ini adalah sepatu jahit ato presser foot...
sepatu2 jahit ini amad sangad membantu dlm dunia jahit menjahit...
tadinya cuma kepengen aja..soalx di makassar aga susah nyari barang2 kek gini..belum tau tempatx...jd akhirnya browsing sono sini...dan ketemu deh toko jahit online yg jual sepatu jahit ini...

ini nih link toko online nya ...sangat dapat dipercaya....pelayananx cepat...
novi pesen tgl 6 november ...ehhh tgl 8 november dah sampe barangx...

oh iya sepatu jahit ini terdiri dari 15 jenis sepatu jahit ;
1. walking foot
2. quilting / straight stich
3. 1/4 " patchwork
4. darning foot
5. cording foot
6. overcast foot
7. roll hem foot
8. gathering foot
9. satin stitch foot
10. blind stitch foot
11. all purpose / zigzag foot
12. button hole foot
13. button sewing on foot
14. zipper foot
15. low shank adapter

amad sangad lumayan lengkap buat pemula seperti diri ini...
bukan cuma jahit baju aja..dgn sepatu2 jahit ini..pekerjaan quilting dan patchwork pun bisa dilakukeun...senangnyaaaaa ^^
mudah2an setelah punya sepatu2 jahit ini...jd tambah semangad belajar jahitnya...

P.S :
thanks ya Mr.Kon ku buat sepatu2 jahit ini... ^^

Thursday, October 25, 2012

First and second project accomplished ^^

cieeeehhh...ta daaaaaaa...I'm gonna show you my marvelous projects...(ngakaks ....kek gini aja dibilang marvelous...)

My first project...I name it "Tumbler strap"'s super versatile...(haaaaa.... are u kidding me..."super versatile"?...)...hahaha..for me yup it is..since I am the inventor(..ciaaaaaahhh...preeeettt...)...*my husband gonna scream at the other corner since he was the one who did the "fine finishing"...(thanks though...thousands kisses for you dear...)

Look at the other picture below...ta daaaa...can you see how versatile it is !!!... :D ...
It can also be suitable for my other tumblers..

my passion to make this tumbler strap was begun with my hobby "carrying tumbler wherever n whenever I go"...more over Makassar as you know it's "super hot city"'re gonna sweat and feel dehydration all the time..(jiaaa lebayyy...sumpeh tp beneran..)...
so what's the relationship between tumbler and sweating and dehydration...of course there is...I like to carry this tumbler so I  can drink whenever I want...
I can fill my tumbler with my fav. can be either simply "ice tea" or "hot coffee latte"...
But I found difficulty in grabbing my tumbler if I keep those tumbler in my bag...especially when I am on my bike...
(for your info...I like to drink on my motorcycle while waiting for traffic light")...It feels like in heaven you know when you find yourself trapped in traffic jam and get sweat because of the sun and then you grab your ice tea from your tumbler...ceeesssss....slurp....and every body will look at you in jealous...and quietly they say in their heart..."Oh damn how I want to drink ice tea also..." know just make others jealous....sumpeh looo..ato cuma perassaan elu aja nov...deh deh deh..skip..skip...

Let's get back to my writing...
Now..I'm gonna show you my second project...
It's super stunning....(hahhahaaa..dimana letak stunningnya...sumpeh tapi keren menurut gw...)
I name it "Sewing machine cover"...cieeeeehhh...

you know what...the inspiration came when I looked at my sewing machine standing in the corner of my table...
I feel so much pity with my sewing machine...coz it stands alone there..naked...
oh GOAT...naked without even "one string attached"...
ooo how pity you're gonna get dirt and waaaaayy...I'm not gonna let you suffer my dear sewing machine..I'm gonna make a gorgeous cloth for you...
then I went to fabric shop..and buy these things...I picked this square red I think it's gonna look super stunning on my sewing machine...
actually this kind of fabric comes in three different colours, red square, blue square and orange square..
but didn't know why... I just picked the red reminds me with Scotland skirt...and I bet it will match with black fabric...I'm gonna combine those red and black...
Black fabric - kain keras - scotland pattern fabric

Oh iya I got the idea on how I should make the cover from "The crafty Gemini site"...this site really help me much in making my sewing machine cover...
so after some desperately sewing processes...finally...ta daaaaa....Here is my stunning sewing machine cover...

upper view

front view

now my sewing machine is no more naked :D
that's all...^^

Monday, October 08, 2012

My new Gadget ...

noraaakk..noraaaakkk.... mo ngeliatin gadget baru gw dulu...
whattttt!!!!.... ELu dah pake iPhone 5...sumpah lu ..yg ini kamsudna?.... ***(orang yg disebelah gw nunjuk2 gambar di bw ini...sambil terbengong2...)

Gw bilang...."bukan cuuuyyy....yg ini nih gadget baru gw..." (geli ndiri gw norakinnnya...hahaha...iihhh apa sih mingkem mingkem....)

walopun barang ini termasuk kegedean klo mo di masupin ke kelas "gadget"...
tp menurut gw ini barang adalah gadget yg ciamiks bangets buats gw...
pas lah buat gw yg ingin menjadi wanita sejati...hahaha...(maksud lu wanita sejati hrs bisa jait gitu nov?...)...   :D :D :D
ngga sih...kamsudna gw cuma pen iseng2 aja bereksperimen dgn barang ini...
semoga gadget baru gw ini bisa membantu gw mewujudkan impian2 gw yg selama ini terpendam...(emangx apaan impian lu nov?...)
tenang2..ini baru mo gw ketik...jangan tarik2 baju gw gitu dunk...susah nih gw ngetiknya...*otis ga jelas

impian sederhana gw yg selama ini selalu terpendam dlm hati saja adalah...
1. bisa bikin seprai + sarung bantal sendiri...dengan pola minimalis...(catat tuh...minimalis...dan bukan gonjreng...)
2. bisa bikin hordeng sendiri
3. bisa bikin elap + celemek + elap2 yg lainnya buat keperluan dapur....klo bisa dibikin seseragam mungkin...
4. bisa bikin baju2 imut buat anak gw kelak...(dijamin baju mu ga akan noraks nak....tapi ancur malah iya...hehehe...)
5. bisa bikinin baju + celana buat suami gw...secara badannya dia ukuranx aga2 beda ama ukuran international...halaahhh...
6. bisa bikin baju sendiri buat gw...(impian gw adalah bisa bikin baju yg model bajunya kek si Samantha...yg srg muncul di channel Life Inspired...yg srg design2 ruangan itu loh..aduuuh gw lupa nama acaranya... :D
7. nti dulu deh gw msh mikir2 lagi

ya dah deh nti lagi mo mencari impian gw yg ke tujuh dan selanjutnya...halaaaahh..preettt...
:D :D :D

P.S ;
Oh iya gw lupa yah mention my new gadget...
It is a simple portable sewing machine "Brother LS 2125"
Oh ada lagi....not forget to mention...thanks to my dear husband for allowing me to have this wonderful gadget ...

Monday, June 25, 2012

How is Heaven My Dear Son Bara Go Ciek ? ...

"How is heaven my dear son?... isn't it wonderful?...
though I can't hear your answer I surely believe that you must be happy to be there...
How about the angels? they take care of you?...
I definitely sure that at this moment the angels are dancing and singing just to cheer you up my dear Bara Go Ciek...

It had been 4 months you stayed in my womb...yes we are a couple of mother and always go with me everywhere I eat when I sleep when I even work when I close we are !!! ...Dont you still remember we always spend our night listening to classic musics till we fall a sleep?...
How about "The Three Little Pigs"...I feel so sorry for that...I only have a chance to read that story three times before you leave us for good...

My Dear be honest ...I'm so deeply sad to lose you...but I have to take it for we know that "Man Propose God Dispose"...yah...I just can make a plan but still God who decides the outcome....fyuuuuhhh...

oh iya...your dont need to worry...your daddy is okay so far...He keeps praying for your happiness ... He is a tough daddy...
I bet you will look like him when you grow up ... Believe me !!!'re even more than your daddy ^^
Your Daddy is the one who name you "Bara Go Ciek"...he always called you with that name since you're in the first week living in my womb...
"How are you Bara Go Ciek?...", that's the way he greets you...

when I asked your Daddy the meaning of that name...He just smiled...
what a weird name!!!...but since that...I also called you Baragoci...
when I pronounce that sounds like make me laugh my always !!...

Rest In Peace My Dear Bara Go Ciek   ( Wednesday, June 13, 2012    23:30 WITA)
Your Mom n Your Dad will never forget you...
we keep praying for your happiness...
send our best regard to the Angels and God !!!
Dont forget to pick us up when the time comes !!!

with love
-Mom n Dad-

thanks for your visit