Friday, January 24, 2014

new world with new kitchen gears ... :D

ta daaaaa... Long time no post :D
Here are my new kitchen gears.
After spending almost one year with my sewing machine and my sewing skill is still so so till now...hehehe..(trus salah gw ato salah temen guweh :D )..ngga ding...
well actually I still love my sewing world...But It is much better if I add another skill as emak-emak yg berkualitas...
so I choose to learn more about baking as my additional skill..jieeehhh...preettt...

Okeh here we gooo... My husband...Romeo Kondouw....really really loves cake and bread...unlike me who loves crunchy food...
So in my will be more fun if I can make cake and bread for the sake of my cwitt :D :D :D
as we all know that "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach"....hahaha...sounds so old school yaaa...
Ngga ding...emang gw lg pen blajar baking aja sih sebenernya...

so I add electric oven, kitchen scale and mixer to my wishlist...wooww..woooww...what a huge budget for me to spend ... :(
But there is no other way...I need those gears to start with...
First thing that I have to do ensure my husband the benefit of having electric oven...then I explain to him the "bla bla bla" and so with the "bleh" too.. yeeeeaahhh...I made it...I successfully convinced my husband to buy me the electric oven...yii haaaa...
though I'm so blank with many types of ovens....Oven tankring, electric oven or microwave oven yaaa....OOooo...God so many...Let Mbah google do this job...kay... :D

Then we go to second move...
O yaaa..I remember..My Mom has an old Philips mixer which I'm sure she is no longer use it...My mom has retired from the baking world I guess...
So I make a phone call... As a sweet daughter...I ask my Mom about my aim...borrowing her mixer...
and you know whaatt...she said..."Ambil aja..kopi...Ibu dah ga pake lagi..dah malas bikin2...dah ga da yg bantuin lagi skrg...nti ta' kirimin mixernya ke medan..." iiyeeesss...Yessssss....Makasiiii mamiwatwatkuuu tercinta sekali... Big hug and kiss for my Mom...hikss...hikss....see I start missing her if I talk about her...What a great Mom... :)

okay by the second week of january 2014, eventually I got all the things collected...electric oven, kitchen scale and mixer ...*my face made a big grin if you could see me at that time :D :D :D

Now all the stuffs are here, I could hardly wait for the first baking attempt...
Then I approached my husband... "Mr.Kon...accompany me yah pliizzz..kita ke kerpur...I mo beli bahan2 buat bikin-bikin kue and the gank...yah pandaiku tercinta sekali..yaaaa..." I said with my melas face.. :D
he agreed..yesss...we go then.. :D

pokoknya first attempt using electric oven was by making "Kue Bolu Sederhana"...
hehehe..kenapa cuman bolu sederhana..ya pan lg belajar..kaga bisa samsek...alias blank at all... jadi gw cari resep yg modalnya murce dan dengan kemungkinan gagal juga yg sedikit ... :D
Itu juga dapet resep dr Mbah browsing sonoh ensure that my bolu will not become "bantet and nyeretin klo dimakan"..hehehe...

Akhirnya... ta daaaa....
Here I show you my first "Bolu Sederhana Sekaleeehh"...this bolu is so plain and super simple. Yah namanya aja ngeri gagal... untungnya ga gagal...hehehe 

jieee...jieeeee...not bad lah...
the taste was great and the look was quite okay lah...hahaha..ya eyalah bikinan ndiri...

after my first attempt succeed, I was so excited to make another second sabaran ceritanya pen bikin-bikin lagi :D

I'm gonna execute Bika Ambon for my second attempt..ciieee...bisa apa yaaa... ceritanya my husband picked Tepung Instan Pondan Bika Ambon when we were at kerpur last week..
according to the procedures written on the box, it was so easy to follow...But no guarantee for the result yaa.. :D :D
I did googling here and there...try to find out the hidden tips on making this Bika Ambon..
secara pada umunya mereka bilang katanya susah untuk bikin rongga2 dalam kue bika ambon ini..intinya tekniknya adalah oven dibuka agar rongga2 dalam kue terbentuk...
Nah gue from the beginning of oven process till the end ..ntu oven gw bikin nyangap terus alias kebuka...secara gw pen sukses bikin rongganya...

ta daaaa...yang ada hasilnya..ya rongganya sukses tapi bika ambonnya bantet...hahahhaa...
ya eyalah yaa..once nih gw kan klo oven dibuka tutup aja cake bisa jadi bantet..apalagi gw yg 40menit bikin ..nyangap terus tuh oven..
ya husband still eat it anyway....kesian dia ama gw keknya...
tp klo rasa nya sih ya 11-12 lah ama aselinya..hahaha..narsis pisan eeuuyy...
Ini penampakannya..

Dan terlihatlah kehancurannya...hahhaha..gaswad...
But That's okay lahh..I will never learn something new if I never try...

P.s :  big thanks to my husband and my mom for providing me those kitchen gears...

thanks for your visit